Source code for bace.benchmark

from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from bace import ComplementNB, NegationNB, SelectiveNB, UniversalSetNB
import sklearn as skl

[docs]class Benchmark(BaseEstimator): ''' scikit-learn like classifiers benchmark Parameters ---------- classifiers: list of sklearn.base.BaseEstimator List of sklearn classifiers verbose: bool Print training details ''' def __init__(self, classifiers, verbose=False): self.classifiers = classifiers self.verbose = verbose
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): ''' Fit several classifiers Parameters ---------- X: numpy.ndarray y: numpy.ndarray Labels Returns ------- ''' for clf in self.classifiers:, y) if self.verbose: print("{} fitted".format(clf.__class__.__name__)) return self
[docs] def predict(self, X): return [clf.predict(X) for clf in self.classifiers]
[docs] def compare(self, X, y, metrics={'Accuracy': accuracy_score}): ''' Compare predictions of multiple classifiers Parameters ---------- X: numpy.ndarray Features y: numpy.ndarray Targets metrics: dict of callable List of metric functions ''' for clf in self.classifiers: print(clf.__class__.__name__) predictions = clf.predict(X) for metric_name, metric_fun in metrics.items(): print("{}: {}".format( metric_name, metric_fun(y, predictions) ))
[docs]class BenchmarkNaiveBayes(Benchmark): CLASSIFIERS = [ MultinomialNB(), ComplementNB(weight_normalized=True), ComplementNB(), skl.naive_bayes.ComplementNB(), skl.naive_bayes.ComplementNB(norm=True), NegationNB(), SelectiveNB(), UniversalSetNB() ] def __init__(self): super(BenchmarkNaiveBayes, self).__init__(BenchmarkNaiveBayes.CLASSIFIERS)
if __name__ == '__main__': from bace.utils import get_data X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = get_data() bnb = BenchmarkNaiveBayes(), y_train), y_test)